Rootles - Quests for the Curious : We've hidden what you're looking for...
Corporate Schools/Non-Profit Friends/Family

CSU Homecoming and Family Weekend Treasure Hunt



These are the general rules for the CSU Homecoming and Family Weekend Treasure Hunt. Complete rules and examples will be forthcoming in the upcoming week. Rules will be finalized on the morning of October 1st. Any notes or changes to any clues will be noted in a different color text above the "General Instructions".

General Instructions
Rule Modifications

Notes 8:42AM 10/2/07 - Reports about the first clues variables not leading to the second clue have to do with the issue of case sensitivity. The word is in all capital letters on the entrance sign. Make that change and the browser address will work.
A modified version of the first clue will be posted at 9:45AM 10/2/07

Notes 8:00AM 10/3/07 - Whenever you're confronting with a clue the details of the clue will be important to investigate. Using online resources may be very effective

Notes: 6:45PM 10/3/07 - There seem to have been more than a few teams that were tripped up on the first clue and the addressing that went with it. Remember that all clue addresses are case sensitive. Additionally teams should be sure that they check through the clue pages for hidden insights as there is often more information contained there than is at first apparent. Most clues will have more hints this evening.

Notes: 7:45PM 10/3/07 - We have posted pages at the upcoming sites to indicate whether or not teams have found the correct location from earlier clues. These pages will update at the time noted on the page as well as on the schedule below.

Notes: 10/8/07 - Solutions to all of the clues are available here.

General Instructions:

During this hunt, groups will work together to solve a series of clues that are hidden on the Rootles® web site. The solution of each clue will lead to a physical location on campus where teams will collect information to find their next clue's web address. These clues will be posted to these web addresses at the specific times posted below.

Each clue during the hunt will follow the same pattern:

  • Clue available on Rootles® web site
  • Clue solved by teams
  • Information located on the CSU campus will be used to find the web address for the next clue
  • Teams continue solving clues until a final puzzle is provided
  • Teams solve final puzzle and submit their answers by email
  • The winner is determined by the first correct submission
  • Winner announced at the Friday night Bonfire

Sign Up:

This hunt is open CSU students, faculty, and current graduate students. The first clue will be available when you sign up your team from 11-2 on Monday October 1st at the opening Homecoming/Family Weekend Kick-off Cook-out, on the WCNR Lawn. Team signup and first clues will also be available after the Cook-out at the ASAP office on the bottom level of The Lory Student Center.

Clue Post Dates/Times:

Clues will be posted to the Rootles site at the times listed below. Prior to the time indicated, the clue will not be uploaded or available to any team. For this reason, you have the option to wait until more clues are posted before you begin to solve clues. You must, however, solve each clue in the order listed below to be able to determine the web address where subsequent clues are available.

Here is the schedule as to when clues will become available:

  • Clue One - Monday October 01, 2007 @11:00am -
  • Clue Two - Monday October 01, 2007 @5:00pm -
  • Clue Three - Tuesday October 02, 2007 @10:00am -
  • Clue Four - Tuesday October 02, 2007 @5:00pm -
  • Clue Five - Wednesday October 03, 2007 @10:00am -
  • Clue Six - Thursday October 04, 2007 @2:00pm
  • Clue Seven - Thursday October 04, 2007 @5:30pm -

Clues will be posted as close to the time indicated above as possible.


Solving each clue is necessary in order to find the next clue's web address. All clues will follow a similar format, which, when solved, will direct you to a physical location on campus. At each physical campus location, teams must gather information to decipher the web address for the next clue.


For teams that ask for help, by email to Rootles, hints may be forthcoming, though no assistance will be provided for two hours following a clue's release. Any hints provided to one team will be posted on the page of the clue in question for all teams to view. Response to queries may not be immediate and is at the discretion of the organizers. When making an inquiry you must indicate which clue you are inquiring.


All submissions should be in the following form:

  • Message must initiate from the final web page of the hunt
  • Message must be composed from a CSU email address
  • Team number, and names of all team members, must be in the body of the message
  • Provide two contact phone numbers in the body of the message
  • Solution must be in the body of the message
  • The “time stamp,” the date and time connected to an email, will be the final factor in determining order of finish.

Rule Modifications:

If there are any modifications to these rules between rounds, an announcement will be made through a posting at the top of this rules page. They will be in effect at the time defined in that posting.



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(970) 484-9034
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