Rootles - Quests for the Curious : We've hidden what you're looking for...
Corporate Schools/Non-Profit Friends/Family

Format for solving clues

Each time your team solves a clue and determines the physical spot on campus that the clue indicates, your team must go to that spot and gather two pieces of information necessary to determine the web address of the next clue. These two pieces of information are termed: “variables,” and are presented on the web page with that clue. These two variables, when inserted into the web address beneath them, will direct your team to the next clue’s web address, where this process will be repeated.

So, if your team decides that a particular clue leads them to this University entrance:

You should go there to collect additional information. With each clue you will be prompted to collect two variables similar to the two shown in this example:

These two variables may be, unlike last year, of any length. The "variables" will provide specific instructions as to what you must collect from each location. In each instance these collections may be case sensitive letters, words or numbers of any length.

So, after collecting these variables and using them to complete the web address, you have all the information necessary to find your next clue. When this complete web address ( ) is inserted into the browser address bar it will lead to your next clue. This web address must be entered directly into the browser address bar and remember that it is case sensitive.

151 W. Oak - Fort Collins, CO
(970) 484-9034
  Rootles - Quests for the Curious
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