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Solutions to CSU Homecoming Hunt Clues

Clue 1:

This clue was located at the web address:

Clue #1

This clue required teams to put the bubbles into order from smallest to largest. Once this was complete three words were spelled out: Holley, Plant, and Center. At this location the two variables: ENVIRONMENTAL and 630 should have been collected making the next clue address: Most teams had difficulty locating the second clue as they failed, at least initially to enter "ENVIRONMENTAL". They instead tried: "environmental".

Clue 2:

This clue required teams to uncover the fact that the keyoard was a dvorak keyboard instead of a qwerty keyboard. The background letters should have helped teams to spell out that they needed to go to the "Center for the Art Garden" where they located the covered pavillion. At this location the two variables: COLORADO and 576 should have been collected making the next clue address:

Clue 3:

Clue Three to the bus depot

This clue required teams to translate the "HKNY RQO ASLKP" cipher. This is a monoalphbetic cipher which requires a keyword. This keyword shifts the alphabet over by a few spaces to create the key. The keyword in this case was "treasure", indicated by the capitalized letter (and further indicatate by the sceond version of the clue). The solution was "Lory Bus Depot". At this location the two variables: Lory and 1102 should have been collected, from the posters referencing the "green" aspects of building in the area of Lory, making the next clue address:

Clue 4:

This clue required teams to decipher the grid. The grid is 26 squares across, with each square representing a letter of the alphabet. Once this was complete three words were spelled out: Gymnasium, Door, and north. At this location the two variables: 5925 and EGDOL should have been collected from the cornerstone making the next clue address:

Clue 5:

This clue required teams to shift the alphabet again. The red letters shifted minus five letters (so f=k), while the blue letters shifted plus five letters (so o=t). Once this was complete thre phrase read: "find this location at the center of Pitkin street". At this location the two variables: 4004 and shoulders should have been collected making the next clue address:

Clue 6:

This clue required teams to indentify each of these countries national flags. Once this was complete the first letter of each country spelled out Eddy Hall (note: the flag just above the green flag is the Serbian flag, this flag was incorrectly designated at Yugoslavia when the clue was created; we chose to provide no feedback to keep all teams equal). At this location the two variables: Cpwfifap and 1110 should have been collected making the next clue address:

Clue 7:

This clue required teams to connect the dots from 1-26. In this case the numbers 1-26 were represented in binary. Each line between the numbers crossed through one letter. A collection of all of these letters provided: "Monfort Quad Center". At this location the two variables: SEPTEMBER and RECOGNITION should have been collected making the final clue address:

Final Submission Clue:

This clue asked teams to submit the sum of all of the variables that were numbers. As we did not indicate whether the first clue address contained or did not contain "variables" we accepted the numbers 14099 or 13347. The first team to submit and answer submitted both of htese possibilities and the reasoning for both submissions.

Thanks to all who participated.

151 W. Oak - Fort Collins, CO
(970) 484-9034
  Rootles - Quests for the Curious
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